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The 12th National Summit on Customer Satisfaction was held at the Center for International Conferences on Radio and Broadcasting, and there were topics such as getting to know the concept of customer relationship management, such as relationships with customers, brand and service quality, and motivational skills of employees, which have become very important in economies, and assets Intangible has become the main source of creating competitive advantage.
The customer relationship management components have three main parts (the same as CRM):
- Customer
- Relationship
- Management
Customer, relationship and customer management in business culture refers to a person who determines survival.
For example, the customer of the bank is the guarantor of the profitability of the bank.
Types of CRM, for example, all the work from production to marketing and sales is entrusted to one person
which instead of tools of mass communication such as internet and... uses it.
One of the important points of customer orientation:
- Reassure the customer that you intend to help them
- Listen carefully to her words
- Maintain control
- Ask the reason for the customer's anger and complaint
- Determine whether the customer's anger is justified or not
Finally, the use of CRM software was suggested to friends